Careers Portal

Welcome to the ACP Careers Portal where you will find career specific information from qualifications and routes to your goal, to guidance from those in the role and the latest industry relevant news.

In conjunction with industry this portal will be developed over the course of 2023 onwards.

I am interested in jobs which provide at least in salary
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Air Traffic Controller

Trend: upwards

One of the most critical ground-based jobs is that of an Air Traffic Controller. In non-pandemic times the U.K. sees around 2.5 million flights and around 250 million people fly through its airspace. Air Traffic Controllers work with pilots to make those flights happen quickly, efficiently and, most importantly, safely.

Training Costs: Training costs covered by NATS
Starting Salary: £18,000 pa
Potential Salary: £44,000+ pa

Trend: POSITIVE. There is currently a significant shortage of Air Traffic Controllers, local sickness causes serious flow restrictions which causes knock on issues on with airports at home and abroad.

Aeromedical Examiners (AME)

Trend: upwards

Many of those interested in Aeromedical work look to become Aeromedical Examiners. With all aircrew and many ground crew all requiring medical clearance before undertaking and whilst in permanent employment, whilst the client market is small, there are only a handful of qualified AME’s so demand is high. Numbers of AME’s have declined over the last 10 years mainly due to retirements and the U.K. needs to seriously look to turn this trend around as the industry recovers post the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Training Costs: £3,560 for basic course, £3,780 for add-on advanced course.
Starting Salary: £45,800+ pa
Potential Salary: £110,000+ pa

Trend: POSITIVE. There has long been a shortage of AME doctors in the aviation sector and demand is currently outstripping availability. However whilst the additional training requirements are not onerous, you must already be a medical practitioner before enrolling on the courses.

Cabin Crew (Airline)

Trend: neutral

Cabin crew positions offer a good career in the aviation industry as generally your training costs are covered by the Airline and you earn whilst you learn. Whilst pay does appear to be low, you will typically work less than the maximum 900 duty hours per year. Most short-haul crew will do multiple flights in one day, rarely staying down route, but this means you will normally follow a similar working pattern of days on, days off which helps with life planning. Long-haul crew will have more sporadic working days which makes planning harder but invariably you will have some time off in the countries you visit with pre-agreed expenses available for you whilst you are abroad.

Training Costs: Covered by employer
Starting Salary: Junior Cabin Crew £12,000 to £14,000pa
Potential Salary: Senior Crew = £45,000+ pa

Trend: STABLE. Short-term cabin crew recruitment prospects are very good but the industry is still recovering from the global COVID-19 pandemic. Delays in getting security clearances for new starters and the impact of flight cancellations on operations is varying demand for new starters. With the aim of having these fluctuations stabilised by 2023, winter 2022 recruitment could be substantial.

Commercial Airline Pilot (Fixed Wing)

Trend: neutral

For many people who want to earn a living flying, a career as a commercial airline pilot is by far the most common choice. The job brings great opportunity but the varied working hours is very different to those used to working a 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday job. The job requires significant personal financial commitments to training, often with no guarantee of a job at the end of that training. However, those that do go on to secure a First Officer position can see rapid progression through the industry which normally provides a secure personal financial future.

Training Costs: £70,000 to £110,000
Starting Salary: Junior First Officer £24,000 to £28,000pa
Potential Salary: Senior Captain = £120,000pa 

Trend: STABLE. Long-term pilot recruitment prospects are very good but the industry is still recovering from the global COVID-19 pandemic. Many aircrew retired early in the industry downturn and large numbers of pilots were made redundant. The industry is recovering steadily however the jobs market remains challenging for new pilots as already qualified pilots return to work. With training taking a significant time, new starters now will likely see a positive job scene by the time they qualify.