Cloud Computing and Edge Computing

What is a Cloud Computing?

Definition: Cloud computing involves running workloads within a centralized environment, typically provided by cloud service providers. These workloads can include data storage, processing, and application hosting.

Infrastructure: Cloud computing relies on remote servers located in data centres around the world. These servers provide computational resources over the internet.

Key Components:
  • Cloud Services: Cloud providers offer tools and software for sustaining cloud systems, including networks, cloud servers, and platforms.
  • Scalability: Cloud environments can easily scale up or down based on demand.
  • Latency: Since data processing happens remotely, there might be some latency due to network communication.

Use Cases: Cloud computing is widely used in various domains, such as healthcare, education, and software development.

Edge Computing

Definition: Edge computing processes data locally, closer to the source of data generation (i.e., at the edge). It aims to minimize response times and reduce the need for centralized data centres.

  • Edge Devices: These are hardware components managing the boundary between networks. Examples include WiFi routers.
  • Edge Data Centres: Smaller data centres located near the edge of a network, delivering cloud computing resources to edge devices.
Key Components:
  • Local Processing: Edge devices handle and store data locally, reducing the reliance on internet connectivity.
  • Real-Time Insights: Edge computing is ideal for time-sensitive data processing, such as self-driving cars, traffic management, and IoT devices.

Use Cases: Edge computing finds applications in scenarios where immediate responses and real-time insights are critical.

In summary, while cloud computing provides scalability and efficient resource management, edge computing focuses on local processing for time-sensitive tasks. Both have their unique benefits and use cases, and they can complement each other in various scenarios.

Cloud and Edge Computing in the Aerospace Industry

Cloud computing has significantly impacted the aerospace industry, revolutionizing the way companies consume IT resources. Here are some key points:

Benefits of Cloud Computing in Aerospace:
  • Shared Infrastructure: Cloud computing enables shared IT infrastructure and services, creating a flexible, scalable, and on-demand environment.
  • IoT Analytics: In operations, using IoT devices for analytics is critical. Cloud platforms allow seamless integration of data from various sources, enhancing decision-making.
  • Supply Chain Integration: Supply Chain Integration: Cloud technology facilitates interconnected digital supply networks (DSNs) in the aviation sector, improving efficiency and collaboration.
  • Maintenance Scheduling: Cloud-based solutions help schedule maintenance tasks, avoiding digital disruptions in aerospace operations.
AWS for Aerospace and Satellite Solutions

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers advanced cloud technologies and space expertise for aerospace and satellite missions. Organizations use AWS to reimagine space systems, quickly turn data into actionable information, accelerate innovation, and achieve mission success. AWS provides secure cloud infrastructure, a broad service portfolio, and extensive industry knowledge.

In summary, cloud computing empowers the aerospace industry by removing limits to innovation, making what was once unimaginable in space now possible.

Edge computing plays a crucial role in the aerospace industry, especially when dealing with remote or extreme environments. Let’s explore how edge computing is relevant in this context:

Satellite Edge Computing for the Internet of Things (IoT) in Aerospace:
  • Traditional satellites are highly customized and designed for specific applications, which limits their flexibility for universal computing. To address this, researchers propose transforming traditional satellites into space edge computing nodes. These satellites can dynamically load software in orbit, share on-board resources, and coordinate services with the cloud. The architecture involves several iSats forming a space edge computing system. These iSats acquire, store, process, and forward data from end-users (such as vehicles, airplanes, ships, buoys, and sensors).
  • By leveraging edge computing, the pressure on the network caused by long distances between processing platforms and terminals can be reduced. This is particularly relevant for IoT devices distributed in remote or extreme areas that rely on satellite data transmission.
Aviation Sector and Edge Computing:
  • In aviation, edge computing can drive innovation by creating an agile and distributed infrastructure. Aircraft manufacturing, maintenance, and supply chains benefit from an interconnected digital supply network (DSN) facilitated by edge cloud solutions.
  • Airlines face challenges where connected hardware can serve as a knowledge engine for communication and decision-making, enhancing mobility infrastructure.

In summary, edge computing in aerospace enhances connectivity, efficiency, and decision-making, making it a critical component for the industry’s future development.

Evolution of Cloud Computing

The evolution of cloud computing began in the late 1990s with the rise of internet-based services that provided remote access to computing resources. Early pioneers like Salesforce and Amazon Web Services (AWS) laid the groundwork for scalable and on-demand computing infrastructure. Throughout the 2000s and 2010s, advancements in virtualization technology and data center management further propelled the growth of cloud computing, enabling businesses to streamline operations, reduce costs, and scale their IT resources dynamically. Today, cloud computing has become ubiquitous, powering everything from consumer apps to enterprise solutions with a diverse range of services including storage, computation, and AI-driven analytics.

Approximate Market Size by 2025
Organisations Using Cloud Computing
Percentage of Enterprise Workloads Using Cloud Computing

Aerospace & Cloud Computing in Future

In the future, cloud computing is poised to transform the aerospace industry by facilitating real-time data analysis, collaboration, and innovation across global operations. Aerospace companies can leverage cloud computing to manage vast amounts of data from aircraft sensors, flight simulations, and maintenance logs, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. Cloud-based platforms will enable seamless integration of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for predictive maintenance and autonomous flight operations. Furthermore, cloud computing will support the development of digital twins and virtual testing environments, accelerating the design and validation of next-generation aircraft and spacecraft.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions and answers pertaining to cloud computing, especially in regards to aviation.

How is cloud computing used in aviation?

Cloud computing in aviation is utilized for managing and analyzing vast amounts of data from aircraft sensors, flight operations, and passenger services. It supports applications such as real-time flight monitoring, predictive maintenance, and data-driven decision-making.

What are the benefits of cloud computing for airlines?

Cloud computing offers benefits such as scalability of IT resources, cost-efficiency through pay-as-you-go models, enhanced data security and compliance, improved collaboration among aviation stakeholders, and faster deployment of new applications and services.

How does cloud computing enhance aircraft maintenance?

Cloud computing enables airlines to store and analyze maintenance data centrally, facilitating predictive maintenance to reduce downtime and enhance aircraft reliability. It also supports remote diagnostics and troubleshooting, improving efficiency in maintenance operations.

What challenges does cloud computing face in aviation adoption?

Challenges include ensuring reliable connectivity for critical operations, addressing regulatory requirements for data privacy and sovereignty, integrating cloud solutions with existing IT infrastructure, managing vendor relationships, and mitigating cybersecurity risks.

Can cloud computing improve passenger experiences in aviation?

Yes, cloud computing can enhance passenger experiences by enabling personalized services, seamless booking and check-in processes, real-time flight updates, and entertainment streaming during flights. It also supports airline loyalty programs and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Video Explanation

The video below will provide more information as to how this technology works

Example Industry User


Boeing is leveraging cloud and edge computing technologies to enhance its aerospace operations and manufacturing processes. By utilizing cloud computing, Boeing can process vast amounts of data in real-time, improving data analytics and decision-making capabilities across its global operations. Edge computing allows Boeing to perform data processing closer to where the data is generated, such as on aircraft or in manufacturing facilities, enabling faster response times and reducing latency. This combination of cloud and edge computing supports Boeing’s initiatives in predictive maintenance, smart manufacturing, and overall operational efficiency.

Further Resources

Below are some external links to further information on this technology.