
Farnborough International 2024

The Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme held a hands-on activity event at this year’s ‘Pioneers of Tomorrow’ day on 26 July at Farnborough International 2024 when our ‘stand’ was visited by almost 2,000 people. Our flight simulators and AR/VR systems were in constant operation – but Spot was the star of the event performing and answering questions throughout the entire day. In doing so he demonstrated his considerable abilities, including responding to whatever questions were put to him, entrancing the young people – of all ages – and even answering in Mandarin Chinese – with a Malaysian accent!

The day was a huge success and the ACP Chairman, Dr Michael Smith, who held meetings throughout the day with a raft of companies, and was approached to contact many more, including schools and universities – all of whom wished to talk further – would like to express his very considerable thanks to Chris Marshall, Lee Mason and Mike Stokes who worked tirelessly throughout the event to make everything go so smoothly and successfully.

We would like to thank most sincerely our partners Farnborough International, for enabling the event to take place, especially Sofia Aldatz and Carolina Fells for helping us make it all happen, and GKN Aerospace for their superb overall support.

Finally, judging by the – so many – comments we received from parents there is no doubt at all that many, many young people went home that evening having been involved in a totally engaging and most enjoyable experience they would not forget for many a long year!