
A 21st Century Education with a 14th Century Heritage

On 22 September 2023 the ACP roadshow of presentations to groups of schools around the UK visited Coventry and was hosted by Bablake School founded in 1344. 126 students from five schools were present in a capacity packed theatre and then afterwards in the foyer where 3D printing and Virtual Reality equipment were operational, Ben Pinsent and Victoria Hawkins from Babcock International and Ellis Roderick from AtkinsRealis answered the students’ many questions on careers in the engineering-based industries generally and their respective global companies in particular, and Spot, as always, became the photographic centre of attention.

The ACP would like to thank most sincerely Warren Honey, Headmaster, and his team at Bablake School, especially Kerry Moir, for their preparation and organisation beforehand and their hospitality and support throughout the day, and Chris Marshall for the operation of Spot and his detailed explanation of the robot’s many capabilities.