
An ‘Astronaut’s’ Debut

On 2 October the ACP Roadshow Presentation to Groups of Schools was hosted by St Alban’s High School for Girls. In all, 14 schools were represented by 150 students plus a substantial number of teachers/careers advisers and, we are delighted to report, some parents. The majority of these schools were state establishments, and it was very good to see that the audience was equally divided between boys and girls.

The ACP would like to thank most sincerely the teams from Babcock International, GKN Aerospace and Hybrid Air Vehicles who joined us for the event. And, of course, Chris Marshall from Airborne Platforms who works his socks off with Spot, the VR equipment and our 3D printer, and St Albans High School for their superb organisation, assistance and hospitality, especially Virginia Parton, their Head of Careers.

Finally, whilst Spot is now a major highlight in all our presentations, on this occasions he was usurped by St Albans’ very own ‘astronaut’ dressed in the ACP’s latest acquisition. We are extremely grateful to the young lady in question who well deserved the considerable acclaim she gained from the audience!