News Portal

Below you can read the latest news from the ACP

‘Spot’ joins the ACP team

We are delighted to announce that the Boston Dynamics robot – Spot – arrived from the USA on Friday, 9 June 2023, by air of course. Spot will now join the ACP team when we conduct presentations to groups of schools around the UK being a physical and active example of one of the many […]

The Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme Spring 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the Spring 2023 edition of the Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme. Due to the delay occasioned by recent managerial and operational changes it covers the period from Summer 2022 to the first few months of 2023. In future each edition will be published quarterly: Spring; Summer; Autumn; Winter. Download our revised Spring 2023 Newsletter […]

The Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme

In early 2023 the ACP commenced a complete reorganisation of its management and operation which resulted in a change of name to The Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme. That said, the ACP’s aim remains the same: To develop the curiosity of young people in technology generally and, specifically, provide them with a permanent, UK-wide, careers advisory […]

The ACP Network holds its first event

On 21 March 2023, in conjunction with Cranfield University, the ACP hosted its first Network event in the University’s Aerospace Integration Research Centre (AIRC) and Digital Aviation Research and Technology Centre (DARTeC). Seven schools attended and we had a full house of 97 school members plus two representatives of GKN Aerospace (an ACP supporting company) […]

Downing Street Reception

By kind permission of The Chancellor of The Exchequer, The Rt. Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, on 18 January 2023 the ACP held a Reception in No.11 Downing Street for senior executives from the Aerospace Industry and ACP Host Schools. Our two Vice-Presidents, Sir Peter Gregson and Viscount Trenchard, along with the ACP Board of Trustees, […]