News Portal

Below you can read the latest news from the ACP

The ACP Visits Barnstaple on the River Taw

On 19 September as our first roadshow presentation for the 2024/25 academic year the ACP visited the river-port town of Barnstaple in Devon. The town lies at the River Taw’s lowest crossing point before the Bristol Channel. From the 14th century it was licensed to export wool from which it earned great wealth. Later it […]

The ACP & VRpilot light up the imagination of students for a career in aerospace and aviation

VRpilot is a company that specializes in creating virtual reality training applications for professional aviation use. Their solutions are designed to maximize immersion and realism, making them effective tools for procedure training, cockpit familiarization, and other training needs for airlines, air forces, and aviation training organizations. Since the ACP introduced VR systems into its Roadshow […]

The Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme Summer 2024 Newsletter

Today we publish our Summer 2024 Newsletter in which we are delighted to advise that the ACP continues to grow and develop in a most productive and successful manner. For example, having set ourselves an informal target of reaching 5,000 young people, teachers and parents face-to-face by the end of the 2023/24 academic year we […]

Technologies of Industry 4.0

Today we launch a new section of the ACP website: Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The section contains two sub-sections, both of which are linked together. Indeed, where relevant, each element of each section is linked together, both internally and to those in the other sub-section. The first sub-section explains Industry 4.0, or 4IR […]

Spot holds Court at ‘Pioneers of Tomorrow’ 2024

The Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme held a hands-on activity event at this year’s ‘Pioneers of Tomorrow’ day on 26 July at Farnborough International 2024 when our ‘stand’ was visited by almost 2,000 people. Our flight simulators and AR/VR systems were in constant operation – but Spot was the star of the event performing and answering […]

The Schools’ ACP welcomes our fifth Trustee

The Board of the Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme Charity is extremely pleased to welcome a new member: Gillian Marshall. Gillian is Chief Executive of the Alpha Trust which was formed in April 2018. She is also Executive Principal of Colchester County High School for Girls (CCHSG). The Gilberd School and Manningtree High School are the […]